Protein Molecular Weight Markers

cDNA First-Strand Synthesis Kit

cDNA First-Strand Synthesis Kit

Description:- Starts from purified total RNA or mRNA, Oligo-dT or Random hexamer based synthesis us..

₹5,200 Ex Tax:₹5,200

cDNA Library Kit

cDNA Library Kit

Description:- Starts from purified total RNA or mRNA, Oligo-dT or Random hexamer based synthesis us..

₹32,500 Ex Tax:₹32,500

Cloning Kit (T/A) with Competent cells

Cloning Kit (T/A) with Competent cells

Description:- T/A Cloning kit for 10 cloning reactions, 10 vials of 50 µl competent cells, Competen..

₹11,960 Ex Tax:₹11,960

Competent Cell Preparation kit

Competent Cell Preparation kit

Description:- Prepare competent with high efficiency; 50*100 μl..

₹6,727 Ex Tax:₹6,727

Competent Cells- E. coli (CB5 a)

Competent Cells- E. coli (CB5 a)

Description:- Transformation efficiency: 5x106, Competent cells are send ready-to-use, can be store..

₹4,680 Ex Tax:₹4,680

DNA from Cell Lines

DNA from Cell Lines

Description:- 1 million or more cells taken, all reagents provided, Column-based; 50 Isolations..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

DNA from Sputum

DNA from Sputum

Description:- 1-2 ml of sputum, all reagents provided, Column-based; 50 Isolations..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

DNA Isolation Kit: DNAsol™ Method

DNA Isolation Kit: DNAsol™ Method

Description:- Single solution-based fast protocol, Spin columns included, 100 isolations, Works for..

₹17,550 Ex Tax:₹17,550

DNA Labeling Kit: Nick Translation

DNA Labeling Kit: Nick Translation

Description:- DNase-1 created Nicks polymerized using DNA polymerase 1, Can be adapted for radio-ac..

₹9,100 Ex Tax:₹9,100

DNA Labeling Kit: Random Priming

DNA Labeling Kit: Random Priming

Description:- Random hexamer based, Can be adapted for radio-active or non- radioactive protocols, ..

₹9,100 Ex Tax:₹9,100

DNA Purification Column

DNA Purification Column

Description:- Column-based 15 min. protocol, (100 isolations) good for PCR, Digestion, etc; 100 Iso..

₹5,200 Ex Tax:₹5,200

DNA Purification from Swab

DNA Purification from Swab

Description:- Column based 15 min protocol enough DNA for >10 PCRs; 50 Isolations..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

ELISA Development  Kit

ELISA Development Kit

Description:- With Goat alpha Mouse igG-HRP; 10 Plates..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

ELISA Development  Kit

ELISA Development Kit

Description:- With Goat alpha Rabbit IgG-HRP; 10 Plates..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

ELISA Development  Kit

ELISA Development Kit

Description:- With Rabbit alpha Goat igG-HRP; 10 Plates..

₹12,350 Ex Tax:₹12,350

Showing 1 to 15 of 122 (9 Pages)