Scope of Work:-
Sample Requirement:
Submit 2-3 μg of RNA free DNA, NanoDrop A260/280 ratio >1.9 or above; A260/230=2.0-2.2; and at a concentration of ~50-100 ng/μl.
Sample QC:
RNA free NGS grade gDNA isolation will be carried out using a commercially available DNA isolation kit.
Further quality checking will be carried out using agarose electrophoresis and NanoDrop. Quantification will be carried out using Qubit 3.0 fluorometer.
Library Preparation:
The amplicon libraries will be prepared using 16S rDNA gene specific primers for Bacteria and
indexing using Nextera XT Index Kit.
Library validation will be carried out using High Sensitivity D1000 Screen tape using Agilent Tape
station kit.
Prepared library will be sequenced using 2 x 300 bp paired end sequencing using latest sequencing chemistry on Illumina MiSeq.
Delivery of data - as per your requirement.
Bioinformatics Analysis:- Quality filtration of data
QIIME Analysis
Pie charts for each taxonomic class
Heat map
abundance and identification of microbial community
Taxa identification
Rarefaction curve and alpha diversity
Comparative analysis
Beta diversity (PCoA Plot) (if more than 3 samples)
Krona plot
Comprehensive report with publication standard methodology, graphs and tables.
Support/Submission of the data in NCBI as per requirement.
{ Price may change significantly. Please contact for details and discount.}
16srRNA based Metagenomics
- Brand: Bioport
- Product Code: 2000317
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: ₹40,000